Pacific Quality Infrastructure

This portal is a hub for collaboration between the members of the regional committees and working groups of the Pacific Quality Infrastructure Initiative

Pacific Islands Testing Committee Collaboration Hub

Our portal offers a range of collaborative features designed to meet the needs of the Pacific Quality Infrastructure working groups and committees. Engage in effective communication, streamline project management, and access essential resources all in one place. With intuitive navigation and robust security measures, our platform ensures that your collaborative efforts are efficient and secure. 

Step 1


Create an account on the portal to gain access to membership settings. Simply click 'download' to view the registration guide.

Step 2

Request Membership

The group admin will review the requested member's suitability for joining the group and then proceed to either accept or reject their request.

Step 3

Request Approved

When a request is approved, the member will receive an email notifying them of their access to the group, allowing them to log in.

Step 4

Hub Access

When a member is granted access, they gain access to the group documents and a host of other functionalities to enhance collaboration.

Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences with us. Your feedback will enable us to make meaningful enhancements and ensure a more seamless and enjoyable user experience for everyone.

Feedback Form

QI Governance


The Pacific Quality Infrastructure Initiative

The Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Initiative was established with the purpose of improving the quality of Pacific products and services manufactured in and provided by Pacific Island countries, consumed locally and exported to overseas markets, by promoting access to QI. The PQI Initiative is doing this by establishing a regional Quality Infrastructure, the PQI.

Why does the Pacific need a regional QI system? 
Pacific Island Countries have only limited access to internationally recognised conformity assessment services such as testing laboratories, which affects the countries’ economic competitiveness, the safety of their goods and services, and ultimately the quality of life of their citizens. From a trade perspective, if the quality of goods and services is low, companies will struggle to access and compete on foreign markets. Furthermore, without a harmonised and internationally recognised QI, intra-regional trade will not be possible because each country could create its own Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).

The creation of a regional QI represents the only viable option to assure quality in the Pacific region. The size of the Pacific Island countries, in terms of economies and population and the limited demand, would not justify the establishment of a fully-fledged national QI similar to what exists in developed economies or even larger developing economies as this would require considerable investments and tie up resources on a long-term basis. From this point of view, the PQI Initiative is particularly beneficial to the smaller countries as it seeks to develop a fit for purpose and sustainable QI appropriate for their needs.


Standards Week Noumea
June 2023

Pacific Quality Infrastructure Weeks

Standards Week Noumea
June 2023

Value Chain Analysis

Kava Project in Solomon Islands (Indicates an example)

QI Needs Assessments

This is the standard needs assessmenr in the Pacific. (Indicates an example)

Latest News


Cassava Quality improved

The Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Initiative organised its second Calidena workshop on improving cassava quality in Vanuatu. Calidena is a

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